On Saturday we started out by trying to remove all the clutch components. We were able to take out most of the components but not the shaft that drops down into the bell hosing. We will be welding that into place so that it cannot move.
Next step was trying to get the shaft coupler to slide easily on to the shaft. We cleaned up the shaft, greased up the parts and slid it on. It stopped at a certain point like the week before. Then we tried rotating it. Bingo, it slid right on. So we just noted the angle so that when we were ready to slide it on with the motor attached it would slide right in.
We bolted the adapter plate to the motor with 4 bolts.
We then measured how far down the electric motor shaft we would position the coupler. We put a stack of washers at the bottom of the adapter plate so that we could slide the coupler down that distance.
We next attempted to put the key in the keyway.

The Key was too big, just barely. We decided too try so sand it down a little so that it would fit:

To our surprise we were able to sand it down enough so that it would fit. (After 2 sanding sessions). We then slid the coupler down the shaft and tightened up the set screw.
With everthing in place we slid the motor into place. We found that we had to come from underneath to get enough clearance.
The motor was in place but the bolt holes did not line up. OUCH!

There is one bolt that sticks out of the transmission. We decided the best option was to make that hole bigger.
We took the motor off, and went to town with the dremmel with a little grinding tip.
Next attempt with the motor had 2 of the holes lining up nice and one still a little off. We decided to go with this, and use a smaller bolt in the hole that was not lining up.

We took the original engine mount arm and put it in position to see how we might be able to use it to secure the electric motor. Lo and behold with some small modifications we could bolt on the motor with some extra washers. We drilled 2 new holes, which was fairly easy through the cast aliminum.

We bolted in the modified mounting arm and now the whole transmission motor unit feels very solid.

Wow, we made some solid progress today. We were at it for about 5 1/2 hours.

Next up battery racks.